I would like to point out the amazing work that Patryk Czerwony has been doing recently to restore the cemetery in Siedleczka, and his other efforts to remember the Jewish community that was a major part of the town of Kańczuga before the war. Here are some photos Patryk sent me, so you can see how it looked before and after they cleaned the cemetery. There is more information in this article (in Polish): Polak z Nowego Jorku zainicjował uporządkowanie cmentarza żydowskiego na Podkarpaciu and there is a page to donate to this effort here.
Before | After |
It’s worth pointing out of course that this is not the first time the cemetery has been restored. The grounds were cleaned and the wall and gate built in 2008 with the first effort to restore the cemetery (see the Siedleczka Cemetery Restoration Project web site, and this contemporaneous article in the Jerusalem Post: Galician Jewish Cemetery Restored).