Scanned records from Kańczuga in the Przemyśl Archives

I have updated this article and the table in it (in June 2024) to reflect changes to access these records. Fond 1731 in the Polish State Archives branch in Przemyśl contains vital records from the Jewish community of Kańczuga. The archive has scanned some of these records, and put them online. As the site (the Polish archive’s search interface for all archival records in the country) expanded, the Przemyśl branch removed the part of their web site that hosted these images, and the images were moved to the site.

When I originally wrote this article in 2017, there were only 13 sections (sygnatury) available. In 2019 I discovered an additional 7 sections were added to the national archive index, but no scans were available. After contacting the archive about these records, I discovered there were actually 35 sections, and added information about those sections here, before the Polish archive site had even mentioned them publically.

Recently I went to review which records were available on the main Polish archives site, and was pleasantly surprised to find that they had 39 sections listed, including some new scans. At closer examination I discovered that 11 sections that had been moved from series 6 to other series (2, 3, 4, and 5). One section, number 33, was missing (as in it was listed in the letter I received from the archive in 2019, but wasn’t listed on the new Polish archives site. So in fact there are now 40 sections of Jewish records from Kanczuga. In addition to the scans of sections 1-13 which were originally scanned, there are now scans of sections 23-26.

A few notes on how the records are organized. Each set of records has 4 numbers connected to it. For example, the 1859-1876 marriage records are listed as 56/1731/2/7. Those numbers represent the archive, fond (zespolu), series and sygnatura (section). 56 is the Przemyśl archive branch, 1731 is the fond that represents Jewish records from Kanczuga, 2 is the marriage series, and 7 is the sygnatura (section).

You can see that series 1 is births, 2 is marriages, 3 is deaths, and 4 is indexes. It’s not clear what defines series 5 and 6.

The table below is sorted by series and then section. If you click on header of the sections (the # character) you can sort the table by section, which shows you that the section numbers don’t repeat, even if they are in different series. You will also notice that section 33 is missing. For historical purposes I’ve left in the eleven sections that were moved, but it is noted in the table, and if you sort by section, they will move to the bottom of the table.

Below is a table listing the sections of fond 1731. When there are scans available for the section, there is a link to take you to the files on the Polish State Archives web site.

Księga urodzeńBirths1851-18731156/1731/1/1
Księga urodzeńBirths1874-18761256/1731/1/2
Księga urodzeńBirths1877-18911356/1731/1/3
Tom IV Księga urodzonych od 7/8 1891 do 25/7 1904Births1891-19041456/1731/1/4
Tom V Księga urodzonych od 6/8 1904 do 30/6 1910Births1904-19101556/1731/1/5
Zaświadczenie w sprawie urodzenia (wyciąg z księgi urodzin)Birth (David Traurig/Thurm)19401656/1731/1/6
Księga zaślubin. Tom I.Marriages1859-18762756/1731/2/7
Księga zaślubinMarriages1877-191922356/1731/2/23
Księga zaślubinMarriages1919-193722456/1731/2/24
Księga zapowiedzi, tom IIMarriage Banns1896-192122556/1731/2/25
Księga zapowiedzi, tom IIIMarriage Banns1926-194122656/1731/2/26
Księga zapowiedzi – fragmentyMarriage Banns1884, 1886, 189123056/1731/2/30
Księga małżeństwMarriages1918-193923656/1731/2/36
Księga zaślubin, tom IV Żydowskiego Urzędu Metrykalnego w KańczudzeMarriages1938-194223756/1731/2/37
Księga zejścia. Tom I.Deaths1851-18763856/1731/3/8
Księga zejścia Tom IIDeaths1877-19063956/1731/3/9
Księga zgonówDeaths1907-192232756/1731/3/27
Księga zgonówDeaths1923-193432856/1731/3/28
Księga zejścia, tom V Okręgu Metrykalnego Izraelickiego w Kańczudze od 20 XII 1934 do 1942Deaths1934-194233856/1731/3/38
Karty zgonuDeaths194134056/1731/3/40
Index księgi urodzonych Tom I i II oraz księgi zaślubin Tom I i księgi zejścia Tom I od 1851 do 1876Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths1851-187641056/1731/4/10
Tom III Index ksiąg urodzonych od 1 stycznia 1877 do 15 lipca 1905Index to Births, Marriages and Deaths1877-190541156/1731/4/11
Index księgi zejścia od roku 1851 do końca roku 1876Index to Deaths1851-187641256/1731/4/12
Index Sterbematrik [Indeks do księgi zgonów]Index to Deaths1877-191741356/1731/4/13
Indeks zmarłychIndex to Deaths193342956/1731/4/29 (previously
Indeks Tom II do ksiąg zmarłych od 1877 do 1942Index to Deaths1877-194243956/1731/4/39
Wypisy z aktu urodzenia oraz świadectwa urodzin osób urodzonych w latach 1878-1883, 1893, 1896, 1898-1900, 1902, 1905-1910, 1912, 1914-1915, 1920, 1923, 1925, 1931, 1933, 1937Births1931, 1939 i bez daty51456/1731/5/14
Wykazy akt urodzeń sporządzonych w IV kwartale roku 1935, I i II kwartale roku 1939Births1935, 193951556/1731/5/15
Świadectwo ślubu oraz wypisy z akt zaślubinMarriages1896, 1905, 1912, 1922, 1935, 193751656/1731/5/16
Wypisy z aktu śmierci, wykazy aktów śmierciDeaths1935, 1937-1938, 194251756/1731/5/17
Okólniki, pisma starosty Powiatowego w Przeworsku dotyczące danych statystycznych ruchu naturalnego ludnościPopulation Movement1935, 193851856/1731/5/18
Wypis z metryki chrztu (urodzenia) chłopców urodzonych w latach 1887-18881887-188853156/1731/5/31
Korespondencja z urzędami (starostwami w Łańcucie i Przeworsku) w sprawach metrykalnych1867-189253256/1731/5/32
Puste formularze pism dotyczących spraw metrykalnych1930s53556/1731/5/35
Brudnopisy protokołów posiedzeń Zarządu Izraelickiej Gminy Wyznaniowej w Kańczudze z 15 i 16 II 1933 wraz z załącznikamiJewish Community Board Meeting Protocols193361956/1731/6/19
Polisa ubezpieczeniowa Józefa Westreicha oraz koperta adresowana do Szmelke WestreichaRabbi Westreich insurance policy193562056/1731/6/20
Pisma w języku hebrajskim: dotyczące cmentarza żydowskiego w SiedleczceCemetery1927, 193362156/1731/6/21
Protokół podawczy z lat 1933-1939Administrative protocols1933-193962256/1731/6/22
Księga zaślubin z lat 1877-1919Marriages1877-1919­­56/1731/6/23
(moved to series 2)
Księga zaślubin z lat 1919-1937Marriages1919-1937­­56/1731/6/24
(moved to series 2)
Księga zapowiedzi, tom II z lat 1896-1921Marriage Banns1896-1921­­­56/1731/6/25
(moved to series 2)
Księga zapowiedzi, tom III z lat 1926-1941Marriage Banns1926-1941­­56/1731/6/26
(moved to series 2)
Księga zgonów z lat 1907-1922Deaths1907-1922­­­56/1731/6/27
(moved to series 3)
Księga zgonów z lat 1923-1934Deaths1923-1934​­­­56/1731/6/28
(moved to series 3)
Indeks zmarłych z 1933 r.Deaths1933­­56/1731/6/29
(moved to series 4)
Księga zapowiedzi – fragmenty z lat 1884, 1886, 1891Marriage Banns (fragmentary)1884, 1886, 1891­­­56/1731/6/30
(moved to series 2)
Wypis z metryki chrztu (urodzenia) chłopców urodzonych w latach 1887-1888 z lat 1887-1888Births1887-1888​­­­­56/1731/6/31
(moved to series 5)
Korespondencja z urzędami (starostwami w Łańcucie i Przeworsku) w sprawach metrykalnych z lat 1867-1892Correspondence with authorities1867-1892​­­­­56/1731/6/32
(moved to series 5)
Korespondencja z urzędami (starostwami w Łańcucie i Przeworsku) w sprawach metrykalnych z lat 1893-1937Correspondence with authorities1893-193763356/1731/6/33
Protokół czynności z lat 1894-1904Protocol of activities1894-190463456/1731/6/34
Puste formularze pism dotyczących spraw metrykalnych z lat 1930-1939Blank forms1930-1939­­­56/1731/6/35
(moved to series 5)

Below are my original updates to this table:

[Update July 2019] Since this list was originally posted (on December 11, 2017), eight new sections have been added to the fond (sygnatury 14-21) information online, although they have not yet been scanned. I believe these records came from a fond in the Krakow National Archives (Fond 1592) that I had been trying to access, but which was eventually transferred to Przemyśl and added to Fond 1731 with the rest of the Jewish records from Kańczuga. I’ve added these new sections, but as they have not yet been scanned, there are no links to access the scans.

[Update August 2019] After further inquiries to the archive, I’ve been informed by them that there are in fact 35 sections in Fond 1731. They’ve sent me information on signatory 22-35, which I’ve added to this list. These are not listed on the main archive web site yet, so this page is the only place to see what sygnatury exist. Keep in mind that some of these are already known to researchers, and have been indexed by JRI-Poland. That’s because some of them likely were transferred from the Kańczuga civil records office (USC). It’s not clear if there are actually new vital records among these records that have never been seen. It seems there may be some previously unseen Marriage Banns, however, those are for years where there were already marriage records available. There are historical records which should be examined, and may provide information on the Jewish community in Kańczuga.

[Update September 2019] Shelley Pollero from Gesher Galicia shared with the Kańczuga mailing list that Gesher Galicia has their own Fond 1731 Inventory which includes a few new details, including confirming which new sections came from Fond 1592 in Krakow. I was glad to see my own inventory pieced together from PSA web sites and correspondence with the archive matches the inventory of Gesher Galicia.

[Update June 2024] Completely updated with 40 sections, new links to the PSA web site, etc.

2 thoughts on “Scanned records from Kańczuga in the Przemyśl Archives

  1. How would I find my grandmother’s house in Kanczuga? The last name was Shiffman. Her father was Tzvi Hersh?

    My son is near there today and tomorrow with his Yeshiva and wanted to visit.

    Many thanks.

    Jennifer Askowitz

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