People born in Kańczuga that are in the 1939 German “Minority Census”

Thanks to Raphael Thurm for pointing out this additional online database that includes people born in Kańczuga. The web site Tracing the Past has a database of the 1939 German “Minority Census”, which it describes as:

    In May 1939 a census, or Volkszählung, was conducted in Germany (including annexed Austria and the Sudetenland) that required the head of each household to fill out a supplementary card, or Ergänzungskarte, which mandated marking the Jewish background of each of the resident’s four grandparents. By 1942, the cards of households with one or more residents with a Jewish grandparent marked on their card, the so-called “Minority Census,” were collected and and sent to the Reich Genealogy Office (Reichssippenamt), then located in a building seized from the Berlin Jewish Community, where the cards most likely survived through the end of the war.

    By the 1980s, the cards were in the custody of the State Archives of the German Democratic Republic in East Germany, and in the 1990s the cards were in the custody of the German Federal Archives. It was discovered that the cards are about 87% complete, lacking only for Thüringen, the Rhine Province, the districts of Erfurt and Minden, and several districts of Bavaria. Many of the districts included are areas that are now part of Poland (such as Silesia and Pomerania) and Russia (Königsberg / Kaliningrad).

In the database, there are fifteen people listed as having been born in Kanczuga. There is clear overlap with those listed in the German Gedenkbuch posted earlier. Presumably those that are the same were killed by the Nazis, and those in this list that are not in the Gedenkbuch either survived, or were killed by other people (the Gedenkbuch seems only to list those people who both lived in Germany and were killed directly by the Nazis).

If you go to the database you can find the address associated with the person listed below.

SurnameGiven NameMaiden NameBirth DateResidence
SchimmelLeja1884-12-12Frankfurt A. M.

One thought on “People born in Kańczuga that are in the 1939 German “Minority Census”

  1. My grandmother is Feiga Munzer God. She did not survive. She was on the first transport of German Jews out of Berlin to Riga, where she was shot and buried in a mass grave.

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